My band Sweet Crystal is continuing to do in 2011 what we did in 2010:
produce, promote and play shows that highlight and support the needs of others.
This year the Wounded Warrior Project, http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org, will be the first beneficiary of their music and message.
On Saturday, February 5, Sweet Crystal will be hosting a five-band benefit concert at Callahan’s Music Hall located at
2105 S. Boulevard in Auburn Hills, Mich. The event is called Warriors 211 and a website for it has been created at
“What we are doing with this show,” says Marq Speck, lead vocalist/keyboard player for Sweet Crystal, “is bringing
together some of this area’s top musical talent to raise awareness, funding and other types of support for the Wounded
Warrior Project (WWP).” WWP is a non-profit 501c3, nonpartisan national organization dedicated to helping injured
service men and women.
“We plan to make it a standout musical night with something for everyone,” continues Speck. “Besides Sweet Crystal,
we’ll have the heavy rock assault of fellow TMG band MediSin Wheel, the smooth jazz styling of Ray Cooke and
Expansions Jazz Quartet, the inspirational music of R&B/blues band Oxgoad, and starting the night out right, Alyssa
Simmons performing the national anthem.” Also slated for the evening will be guest appearances by local radio and
television personalities as well as representatives from various branches of the armed services.
Doors open at 7 p.m. with a progressive cover charge for those 18 years and older. “We’re doing something a little
different with the admission,” says Speck. “Starting at just $5 per person, we’ll let the public decide how much they
want to pay to get in. The more they want to donate – and 100% of the cover goes to WWP and is totally taxdeductible
– the more chances they’ll have at winning some great military-themed giveaways. Basically it’s a great
party with a great purpose.”
Sweet Crystal is a Michigan-based Christian rock band that has been performing live for nearly four decades. Their
recent 2010 release, “3,” on the TMG label is already gathering media accolades and strong international sales. The
military tribute song, “Warriors,” from the CD will be the band’s theme song for the Warriors 211 show. “The song says
it all,” concludes Speck. “What our men and women in the service – as well as their families at home – do for the rest
of us… it’s inspiring, humbling and needs to be promoted loud and proud.”