Sometimes a day brings good news and bad news... and sometimes it's weird news and sometimes in no news.
We all prefer good news (at least that's the supposition I'm working with right now) so here's a small kudo that came out a while ago but we just found out about.
Mike Pinder of Moody Blues fame and fortune runs a song writing contest that we entered. As it turns out, although we did not take home the "big prize", we did get recognition for the writing of one of our songs from "Still Standing..." - the song "This Way Forever".
And in all honesty, we need to give our thanks to Joan (DJ) Stevenson - it was her input and original collaboration on the song that was every bit as instrumental in making it what it is. She has her own version up on her MySpace page (please make sure and check out her glorious God-given vocal talent) and we miss seeing her around the studio. http://www.myspace.com/joanstevenson
That being said, the new CD is just entering the mix phase so we see that 2010 will mark it's official debut.
Hope we can play it for you real soon.
Stay blessed, stay standing.