Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Join 20 time Detroit Music Award winning band SWEET CRYSTAL

as they take the stage at the beautiful Aretha Jazz Cafe in 

Detroit's historic Music Hall!

A night filled with the music, message, mission and ministry that has kept this rock powerhouse going, decade after decade.
Joining them onstage will be two dynamic singer/songwriters 

Noah Tatum(https://www.facebook.com/noahlivemusic/

and 4 time Detroit Music Award winning composer/pianist/singer-songwriter Jill Fitzgerald(https://www.facebook.com/Jillfitzgeraldmusic/) 

as well as another very special guest, multi Detroit Music Award winner 

David Winans II (https://www.facebook.com/dw2pi)!! 

As part of the Foxxy Gwen's Day Wednesdays at the Aretha Jazz Cafe, SWEET CRYSTAL plans on making this a highlight of your summer! 

Limited seating available so grab your tickets now. $10 in advance, $20 at the door. Doors open at 6PM with music starting at 6:30PM. 

Oh it's on.

Tickets at EventBrite!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Wow.... just found a whole 'other Q on the Internet!

Pretty darn interesting...

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sweet Crystal Returns to 4th Friday Concert Series

We always love playing this gig!

Join the myself and my band SWEET CRYSTAL at one of our very favorite venues and events: the prestigious 4th Fridays Concert Series!

Host and super-artist Rufus Harris has put together a stellar night of music and message including bassist extraordinaire Dray Hill and yours truly.

$10 cover at the door (all funds goes to help the C.A.M.P. Ministries at https://www.thecamponline.org)
This family-friendly event is one we always love playing.

This is how you do a Friday in the D!

More information at http://tinyurl.com/yctybk3v.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Friends on Facebook have been so supportive and responsive to my current "Power Word Of The Day" postings. Your support of what I post...and what I believe... are a blessing to me and a  reminder to how I myself should care about all of you. I thought it would be interesting to go back from the beginning on August 7, 2018 and see just what has been posted. There have been repeats of important Power Words and a few (very few) missed days... mostly around the time of my brother-in-law's passing (see you again in Heaven, Michael!).
But overall I hope these words and the ones to come will continue to be a way for you and I to stay connected and to travel together down this road we call Life.
...and I promise to get back to more postings on this blog site.

DATE                          WORD
8/7/18                       YIELD
8/8/18                       AMEN
8/9/18                       DEDICATE      
8/10/18                    PERSEVERE
8/11/18                    COMMAND
8/12/18                    DEDICATE
8/13/18                    CONTRIBUTE
8/14/18                    SERVITUDE
8/15/18                    CHERISH
8/16/18                    INTEGRITY
8/17/18                    GRATITUDE
8/18/18                    ABSOLUTION
8/20/18                    PASSION
8/21/18                    FAMILY
8/22/18                    STEADFAST
8/23/18                    DETERMINATION
8/24/18                    PRAYER
8/25/18                    VIGILANT
8/26/18                    RESOLUTE
8/27/18                    Please post your own... I could use your help today
8/30/18                    CALVARY
8/31/18                    FORTIFY
9/01/18                    STEADFAST
9/02/18                    GLORY
9/03/18                    POSSIBILITIES
9/04/18                    ALLY
9/05/18                    VALOR
9/06/18                    VALIANT
9/07/18                    HUMANITY
9/08/18                    EXPERIENCE
9/09/18                    CAKE (and you know why!)
9/10/18                    RESOLUTION
9/11/18                    RESOLUTE
9/12/18                    EMPOWERMENT
9/13/18                    RESPONSIBILITY
9/14/18                    RESILIENT
9/15/18                    REASON
9/16/18                    VIGILANCE
9/17/18                    INVINCIBLE
9/18/18                    MOTIVATION
9/19/18                    NOBLE
9/20/18                    COURAGE
9/21/18                    FIDELITY
9/22/18                    COMMITMENT
9/23/18                   SUPPORT              
9/24/18                   DONATION
9/25/18                   EDUCATION
9/26/18                   ICE
9/27/18                   ENLIGHTEN
9/28/18                   CONFIDENCE
9/29/18                   POSSIBILITIES
9/30/18                   INSPIRE
10/01/18                DEVOTION
10/02/18                FORTITUDE
10/03/18                RENEWAL
10/04/18                RECONCILIATION
10/05/18                INTERFLUENCE
10/06/18                NEW
10/07/18                MISSION
10/08/18                DIGNITY
10/09/18                CULTIVATE
10/10/18                DILIGENCE
10/11/18                STRUCTURE
10/12/18                PROFOUND
10/13/18                POTENTIAL
10/14/18                REMARKABLE
10/15/18                STEADY
10/16/18                UNDERSTANDING
10/17/18                ARMORED
10/18/18                SECURE
10/19/18                SAFEGUARD
10/20/18                CONTENT
10/21/18                MAXIMIZE
10/22/18                CONSTITUTION
10/23/18                COMMUNITY
10/24/18                CREDIT
10/25/18                TOGETHER
10/26/18                DREAM
10/27/18                EXPECTATION
10/28/18                RELIANCE
10/29/18                FACT
10/30/18                PROVISION
10/31/18                EARNEST
11/01/18                GIFT
11/02/18                REVITALIZE
11/03/18                ALLIANCE
11/04/18                EXHILARATION
11/05/18                ACCENTUATE
11/06/18                VOTE
11/07/18                VICTORY
11/08/18                INCOMPARABLE
11/09/18                INALIENABLE
11/10/18                ACTION
11/11/18                VETERAN
11/12/18                AUTHORITY
11/13/18                RESTORE
11/14/18                INCLUSIVE
11/15/18                UNDENIABLE
11/16/18                WILL
11/17/18                SAFEGUARD
11/18/18                CELEBRATION
11/19/18                MITIGATE
11/20/18                STRATEGY
11/21/18                ADVANTAGE        
11/22/18                THANKSGIVING
11/23/18                PREPARATION
11/24/18                ESSENTIAL
11/25/18                JUDICIOUS
11/26/18                DYNAMIC
11/27/18                INEFFABLE
11/28/18                ADVOCATE
11/29/18                COMMUNICATE
11/30/18                ENCOURAGEMENT
12/01/18                DESTINED
12/02/18                PROPITIATION
12/03/18                INCORRUPTIBLE
12/04/18                GUIDANCE
12/05/18               CAVU
12/06/18                INDELIBLE
12/07/18                SUPERLATIVE
12/08/18                HALLMARK
12/09/18                FOUNDATION
12/10/18                TRIUNE
12/11/18                TESTIMONY
12/12/18                EXPECTORANT
12/13/18                INDEFATIGABLE
12/14/18                MONUMENTAL
12/15/18                QUINTESSENCE
12/16/18                PINNACLE
12/17/18                TRIUMVIRATE
12/18/18                LOVINGKINDNESS
12/19/18                OFFICIATE
12/20/18                EXEMPLIFY
12/21/18                APPLICATION
12/22/18                AFFILIATION
12/23/18                FINALE
12/24/18                ATONEMENT
12/25/18                SAVIOR
12/26/18                AUSPICIOUS
12/27/18                CLARITY
12/28/18                RESET
12/29/18                PIVOTAL
12/30/18                SYNCHRONIZE
12/31/18                VALIDATION
01/01/19                RESOLUTE
01/02/19                EPITOMIZE
01/03/19                DISTINCTION
01/04/19                READY
01/05/19                GOALS
01/06/19                TRANSFORMATIVE
01/07/19                ANCHOR
01/08/19                REVISE
01/09/19                INITIATE
01/10/19                RITE
01/11/19                MANIFEST
01/12/19                ABSTEMIOUS
01/13/19                PROPITIOUS
01/14/19                BONUS
01/15/19                PROVIDENTIAL
01/16/19                INFINITE
01/17/19                SALUTARY
01/18/19                RELEVANT
01/19/19                MODULATE
01/20/19                ESSENCE
01/21/19                OPPORTUNE
01/22/19                FUNDAMENTAL
01/23/19                ORCHESTRATE
01/24/19                EFFICY
01/25/19                AUTHENTIC
01/26/19                ADVANTAGEOUS
01/27/19                IMMUTABLE
01/28/19                ELATION
01/29/19                CREDO
01/30/19                AMALGAM
01/31/19                FORTHRIGHT
02/01/19                TRANSITION
02/02/19                IMPERISHABLE
02/03/19                PERSPECTIVE
02/04/19                ASSURANCE
02/05/19                EMBODY

...more to come...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Friday In The Motor City - Suicide Prevention Awareness Event

Sometimes we all need to step up, reach out and make a difference... and that's exactly what we're doing this 

Join members of Sweet Crystal as we help raise awareness and support for this painful and personal issue. 

Brought into national focus by the deaths of Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) and Chris Cornell (Soundgarden), there is much the rest of us can do to help when someone is contemplating this path. 
Here's a place to start.

Chester Bennington of Linkin Park 
A Memorial Dance Party 
“One More Light” concert video 
There are over 300 worldwide memorials. 
Registered Linkin Park Memorial 

Portion of ticket sales to benefit the 
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 
and the American Indian Health & Family Services. 

Advance tickets $8 & $10 at the door 
18+ w/proper ID & All Ages w/parent 

A Friday in the Motor City doesn't get any more important than this.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Solo But Never Alone - Marq Andrew Speck Steps Out

Marq Andrew Speck (SWEET CRYSTAL) Launches Solo Set 
At Historic Eastern Market For The

What does 15 time (and counting) Detroit Music Award winning singer/songwriter/musician/recording artist Marq Andrew Speck (known as Q to his family, friends and fans) of the progressive Christian rock band SWEET CRYSTAL do to keep himself even busier?

This year he prepares to launch a solo set of classic, current and new songs, bringing his signature sound and energy to help break the Guinness World Record for Longest Concert by Multiple Artists.

"This seems a great way for me to test the musical waters, if you will" says Q "and see if I can translate the songs and message that make up a SWEET CRYSTAL concert into a more intimate and personal style. I call it the "Solo But Never Alone" show for a couple of reasons. One - some of the backing tracks I will be playing to (primarily piano) feature the guys in the band so they are there with me in spirit and two - well, wherever I go, God is already there waiting for me so... solo but really none of us are ever alone."

Speck's set is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14 at 1PM (Slot #124 out of 400!) and he plans to feature songs from his entire catalog to date. The entire SWEET CRYSTAL band will perform the following Tuesday (March 21, Slot #299) at 8PM bringing the full music and message of the group to the event.

"What's been fun for me" he continues  "is hearing these songs also done as instrumentals letting the piano take the full melody and improvisation over the basic song arrangements. I think I could just sit down and play them as instrumentals and be good with that...but if you know me, I don't usually sit down at all so I'm interested myself in how this will come across in a live setting."

Sounds like a good reason to take a late lunch in Detroit that day.

Detroit has held the Guinness World Record for Longest Concert by Multiple Artists on three previous occasions: 2009, 2010, 2011. These records were set in Downtown Ferndale at AJ’s Music Café. The time to beat is 372 hours and 10 minutes. The Assembly Line Concert will attempt to break Las Vegas’ by 12 hours, equaling more than 384 hours of live music!

The entire event is being held down at Detroit'r historic Eastern Market, Shed 5 and is free to the public.

Marq Andrew Speck and Sweet Crystal Links of Interest:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015 - DETROIT: The return of eleven time Detroit Music Award winners SWEET CRYSTAL with their latest release “QUAD” finds the band sounding larger and more powerful than ever, thanks to the collaboration with award-winning mixer/engineer Chuck Alkazian (Christina Aguilera, R Kelly, Mitch Ryder, Pop Evil) and Pearl Sound Studios, Canton, MI.

Featuring performances by special guest vocalists Amy Susan Heard and David Perez , there are storylines and soaring musical lines onQUAD for every taste and situation.

“We’ve really upped our sonic onslaught withQUAD” says founding member Marq Andrew Speck. “There are songs here about desperation and redemption, asking questions of faith and finding real answers for our lives as well as some mighty uplifting instrumentals.”

Early reviews seem to agree that may be the best SWEET CRYSTAL release to date.

Dale H., Metal Pulse Radio: "...what (an) uplifting ep ... musically some the best they're putting out."

Doug P., WCSX 94.7 FM: " The first thought that came to me is powerful...this is powerful!"

The physical CD also contains a 14 minute bonus track: an in-depth interview with the band, giving listeners more insight into SWEET CRYSTAL and what QUAD is all about; a must have for new and classic fans alike. The new CD can be found at CDBaby (http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/SweetCrystal) and BandCamp(http://sweetcrystal.bandcamp.com/) with the download versions at iTunesAmazon and other major music sites.

SWEET CRYSTALis a very rare group of musicians. Not only has the band remained in existence for an impressive 40 years, but also the core trio of Marq Andrew Speck (lead vocals, keyboards), Bill Blatter (guitar, vocals) and Steve Wieser (drums) has remained intact for the entirety of that time. Perhaps most importantly, the band has remained standing strong on the front lines of the Michigan Christian rock scene, even before that music genre had a name.

SWEET CRYSTAL and QUAD – still “Reaching The World, One Song At A Time ™”!

Follow @sweet_crystal on  Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SweetCrystalBand), Twitter and theWeb (http://www.sweetcrystal.com/)